Welcome to the California Phase II Low Impact Development (LID) Sizing Tool. This is a web-based tool that assists stormwater practitioners in selecting and sizing LID Best Management Practices (BMPs) that meet the sizing requirements set forth in California’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for stormwater discharges from small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s).
Development of this tool was funded by the California State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) Proposition 84 Stormwater Grant Program (SWGP) and the California Department of Parks and Recreation
Changes from v1.1 to v1.2
The continuous simulation results for porous pavement were improved. SWMM 5.0 had an error where water would not infiltrate correctly in porous pavements. SWMM 5.1 has fixed this error and was used for porous pavement calculations. In some cases, the required porous pavement LID BMP footprint area is now use much less. The other LID BMP calculations and results have not changed.
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The tool allows users to input their location, soil type, and impervious areas, and then queries a database containing pre-solved sizing factors and design curves for a variety of LID BMP types, performs permit-based sizing calculations, and tabulates allowable sizes for each LID BMP type. The provided sizing results are based on three different sizing methods allowed by the Phase II permit: a Design Storm Method, a Percent Capture Method, and a Baseline Bioretention or Equivalent Performance Method. Sizing results are also provided for the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (Region 3) simple sizing method adopted via resolution R3-2013-0032. Users are provided references for considering LID BMP feasibility factors beyond sizing, such as site topography and geometry and LID BMP maintenance requirements and costs. The tool includes training videos to visually instruct users on various aspects of the tool’s interface, input, and output. Further information about the tool and its development is provided in the Documentation Manual.
The tool consists of a website that is linked to a database through a server. The database stores precipitation and evaporation data for multiple geographic locations throughout California, pre-defined parameters for multiple LID BMP types and project soil types, and pre-solved design curves based on Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) 5 modeling. Over 13,000 SWMM simulations were run to develop these curves. After the user enters project information into the tool’s website, the server queries the database, performs calculations, and tabulates the areas required for various LID BMP types.