Small Water System Operation and Maintenance
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Small Water System Operation and Maintenance


This course is designed to train operators to safely and effectively operate and maintain small water systems and treatment plants.


This course introduces operators to the practical aspects of operating and maintaining small drinking water supply systems and treatment plants, with an emphasis on safe practices and procedures.

Topics covered include the duties of small system operators, water sources, and treatment processes. Detailed descriptions and illustrations of drinking water well components are presented. Operators will learn how to set up a wellhead protection program; operate, maintain, and rehabilitate wells; disinfect wells and pumps; and troubleshoot operating problems. Other topics in this training course include operation and maintenance procedures for small water treatment plants, disinfection, safety, laboratory procedures, setting water rates, and an introduction to basic math for operators. The Chapter Review section at the end of each chapter gives you the opportunity to self-assess your understanding of the material by answering fill-in, matching, and multiple-choice questions.

9 CEUs (90 contact hours)
6th Edition, 2018
ISBN 978-1-323-80066-9
Course Time Limit: 6 months
Other Sections
  • Appendix A, Introduction to Basic Math for Operators
  • Answer Key
  • Glossary
  • Index

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