Small Water Systems Video Information Series
Small systems need to deliver safe drinking water in a cost-effective manner to theirs customers. The objective of this 10-video series is to provide operators and managers with the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are essential to safely operate and maintain their facilities using cost-effective strategies. The learning booklet available with this course provides supplemental information to the video-based instruction.
This video series provides needed training for various operators and managers of small public water systems. Operators have the responsibility of ensuring that safe and pleasant drinking water is delivered to everyone's tap. The information provided in these videos will help operators do their jobs with greater knowledge and efficiency. Managers must see that maintenance, recordkeeping, reporting, public complaints, and budgeting are properly handled. The information provided in these videos will increase background knowledge regarding the system and provide specific training regarding administrative tasks. Owners and governing bodies must understand the needs and provide operators and managers with the resources to perform their jobs.
3 CEUs (30 contact hours)
Copyright © 2000
Booklet ISBN 978-1-884701-37-5
DVD ISBN 978-1-59371-027-9 

Course Time Limit: 3 months
Video Titles
Learning Objectives (Click chapter title to open)
Learning Objectives (Click chapter title to open)
- Roles and Responsibilities of Operators, Managers, Owners, and Elected Board Members
- Surface Water Treatment, Part 1
- Surface Water Treatment, Part 2
- Groundwater Treatment, Part 1
- Groundwater Treatment, Part 2
- Storage and Distribution
- Monitoring
- Managerial Responsibilities
- Financial Considerations
- Emergency Preparedness
Other Sections
- A Summary of Words Defined
- Subject Index
Enrollment $75 USD
Supplemental Learning Booklet $49 USD
2-DVD Set (Includes Supplemental Learning Booklet) $100 USD
Course Package (Enrollment, 2-DVD Set, and Supplemental Learning Booklet) $175 USD
Supplemental Learning Booklet $49 USD
2-DVD Set (Includes Supplemental Learning Booklet) $100 USD
Course Package (Enrollment, 2-DVD Set, and Supplemental Learning Booklet) $175 USD