Research Team Bios
Dakota Keene
Geologist/GIS Specialist

- MS, Geology, California State University,
Sacramento - BS, Geology, California State University,
Sacramento, 2018 - Email:
Geologist/GIS Specialist, Office of Water Programs, California
State University, Sacramento, 2019–present
- Administers hydrologic research projects, technical assistance projects, and stormwater compliance programs, including preparation of selected contract documents, day-to-day contract enforcement, evaluation of project results, and provision of technical expertise for compliance programs
- Works with senior scholars and policymakers on applied hydrologic research projects, such as programming a multi-criteria needs assessments of polluted and at-risk drinking water systems and engaging in large-scale data analytics and data visualizations to study the effects of water use efficiency actions in California
Junior Environmental Assistant, Redhorse Corporation, Sacramento, CA,
- Assisted California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board), Division of Financial Assistance, staff in processing administrative and technical information needed to reimburse eligible costs associated with the cleanup of leaking underground storage tank cases
- Prepared technical reports containing financial, hydrologic, and geochemical data on a site-specific basis to determine eligibility for case closure against the State Water Board Low-Threat Closure Policy
Researcher, Sacramento State Water Resources Group, California State
University, Sacramento, 2016–2019
- Ensured concise and consistent data entry of well construction data and geophysical well logs including characteristics such as depth, producing perforations, porosity, conductivity, and resistivity as well as the digitization of geophysical well logs using Neuralog digitization software
- Contributed to the development of new databases and data categories to improve data collection
Professional Interests: Water resources and environmental modeling;
climate change; stormwater sampling, isotope geochemistry