Research Team Bios
Maureen Kerner
Research Engineer

- Professional Engineer, State of California
- MS, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Oregon State University, 2002
- BS, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996
- Email:
Research Engineer, Office of Water Programs, California State University, Sacramento,
Associate Director, EPA Region 9 Environmental Finance Center at Sacramento State,
- State and local agency support in building technical, managerial, financial, and equitable
(TMFE) capacity for drinking water and clean water programs, particularly in small and disadvantaged communities - Funding and financing opportunities, including state and federal grants and loans, rate development, revenue assessments, and asset management
- Risk and resiliency planning
- Stormwater characterization studies and BMP performance assessments
- Low impact development modeling and implementation
- Fine sediment particle analysis for Lake Tahoe TMDL planning
- Stormwater resource plans, including multiple benefit and one water approaches
Project Engineer, Golder Associates Inc., Roseville CA, 2002–2006
- Geo-environmental projects, including landfill, surface impoundment, groundwater contamination, and impacted soil investigations
- Regulatory plans, closure plans, SWPPPs, SPCC plans, and Phase I assessments for commercial and industrial facilities
Professional Interests: Technical, managerial, financial, and equitable (TMFE) capacity building, asset management; grant/loan applications; risk and resiliency planning;
low impact development; stormwater modeling; stormwater permit compliance;
BMP performance assessments
low impact development; stormwater modeling; stormwater permit compliance;
BMP performance assessments