Erosion Control Guidance Protocols

Erosion is the process by which surface sediments are worn away by the action of wind, water, or ice. Erosion control BMPs include methods to establish and maintain effective vegetation for short-term first growth and for long-term establishment, as well as to amend existing soils to stop and prevent continued erosion. Erosion control BMPs can also include non-vegetative products and methods. OWP research staff have assisted in developing guidelines and protocols for erosion control practices as described below.

Caltrans Stabilization for Temporary Slopes Field Guide
This field guide provided Caltrans construction staff information on the selection of appropriate products and techniques for soil stabilization for temporary slopes (SSTS) at construction sites. The guide included three tables that separated the products and techniques, first by general category then by type within each category. With known field conditions, the Category Checklist (Table 1) may be used to identify which category or categories of products or techniques may be used at the site based on the time required to establish stabilization, soil type, slope steepness, and available equipment and labor. Once the appropriate category or categories have been identified, then the Criteria Matrix (Table 2) may be used to select among the types of products or techniques within the identified categories. The selection criteria in Table 2 included items such as cost, effectiveness, and drying time. Table 3 served as a guide for the criteria rating system that is used in the Criteria Matrix.

OWP Tasks
  • Technical Assistance and Planning
Report/Study: Caltrans Stabilization for Temporary Slopes Field Guide
OWP Contacts: Kevin Murphy
Caltrans Guidance for Temporary Soil Stabilization
The main purpose of this guidance document was to help direct the planning, selection, and implementation of Caltrans-approved temporary soil stabilization Best Management Practices (BMPs). The document also provided a brief review of water quality monitoring of construction sites, as well as solutions to common soil stabilization problems experienced on Caltrans rights-of-way. This document was specifically developed to provide resident engineers with guidance for the approval of soil stabilization BMPs selected by the contractors.

OWP Tasks
  • Technical Assistance and Planning
Report/Study: Caltrans Guidance for Temporary Soil Stabilization
OWP Contacts: Kevin Murphy
Caltrans TransPlant
The TransPLANT software tool was developed to select regionally appropriate plant species for erosion control, revegetation, biofiltration, and other highway planting conditions within California. The software considered factors such as elevation, rainfall, soil type, and regional plant communities before recommending grasses, forbs, and other plants. TransPLANT was intended to supplement (but not replace) knowledge of local areas. Plant materials included were primarily those species commercially available as either seed or live plants.

OWP Tasks
  • Technical Assistance and Planning
OWP Contacts: Kevin Murphy