Stormwater Management Assistance
(including TMDL compliance and SWMP development and implementation)
OWP research staff have provided assistance with guidance development and decision making for various aspects of stormwater management and TMDL compliance. Program assistance has included developing guidelines for treatment and erosion control BMP testing and implementation, suggesting general protocols for stormwater monitoring, creating tools for designing effective BMPs and stormwater management programs, and developing Stormwater Management Plans.Experience
Caltrans Stormwater Data Storage
The OWP Data Management Group manages the monitoring data generated by the Caltrans Stormwater Monitoring and Research Program. OWP provides technical expertise in both data management and analytical chemistry methodology and quality control. Existing data are maintained in an organized and structured way that allows data consumers to perform complex queries and data mining. New data are entered into the system after undergoing rigorous quality control checks to ensure that they conform to the data quality standards established by the department. OWP also assists the department and monitoring consultants with problems related to data management and reporting, and with questions about laboratory methods and QA/QC protocol.
OWP Tasks
OWP Tasks
- Provide Technical Expertise in Data Management
- Provide Technical Expertise in Analytical Chemistry
- Maintain Monitoring Data System
- Assist with QA/QC Protocol Inquiries
Caltrans BMP Pilot Study Guidance Manual
The Caltrans BMP Pilot Study Guidance Manual presents guidance for planning, performing, evaluating, and reporting BMP pilot studies. The intent of this manual is to ensure study objectives are clearly defined, studies are designed to meet the study objectives, and there is consistency in the planning, execution, and monitoring of pilot studies. The manual is used in conjunction with existing Caltrans guidance manuals and protocols.
OWP Tasks
Caltrans BMP Pilot Study Guidance Manual
OWP Contacts: Dipen Patel
OWP Tasks
- Developed Preliminary Outline
- Developed Specific Guidance, Including Guidance on Study Design
- Provided Technical Review
Caltrans BMP Pilot Study Guidance Manual
OWP Contacts: Dipen Patel
The Caltrans Stormwater Monitoring Guidance Manual was developed to provide comprehensive, step-by-step guidelines for stormwater monitoring and related activities. This document included guidance for every phase of monitoring, from preliminary tasks such as equipment requirements and site selection to post-monitoring activities such as data reporting. Since this manual was promulgated in 2003 there were a number of changes in standard Caltrans monitoring methodology and many suggestions were made to improve the quality of this document. In 2008 and 2009, the manual was rewritten in order to incorporate these changes and suggestions.
OWP Tasks
Caltrans Comprehensive Protocols Guidance Manual
OWP Contacts: Tod Granicher
OWP Tasks
- Coordinated Efforts Between the Writing Staff and the Review Team
- Performed Technical Review and Editing of Written Material
Caltrans Comprehensive Protocols Guidance Manual
OWP Contacts: Tod Granicher
Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks – Maintenance Staff Guide
The Caltrans Maintenance Staff Guide provides protocols for maintaining highway infrastructure in a manner that is protective of water quality. In this project, OWP assisted RBF Consulting in adding maintenance protocols for treatment BMPs to the guide. The protocols were synthesized from the Caltrans BMP Retrofit Pilot Program (Caltrans BMP Retrofit Pilot Study), the Caltrans Roadside Vegetated Treatment Site (RVTS) Study (Caltrans Roadside Vegetated Treatment Sites (RVTS) Study), and other Caltrans studies.
OWP Tasks
Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks – Maintenance Staff Guide
OWP Contacts: Brian Currier
OWP Tasks
- Facilitated Review and Comment from Regional Caltrans Staff
- Rewrote Handbook Sections
Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbooks – Maintenance Staff Guide
OWP Contacts: Brian Currier
Caltrans Water Quality Planning Tool

- Water bodies with TMDLs
- Water bodies on the 303(d) list
- Water quality standards based on the State Ocean Plan and Basin Plans
- Location of Caltrans facilities (highways/freeways, maintenance facilities, park & ride lots, and rest areas)
- Maps and aerial photographs of the watershed
- Created Website Design and Graphics
- Created Database
- Created GIS Maps for the Website
- Programmed Website-Database-GIS Interface
- Updated Database and Website with New TMDLs and 303(d) Lists
- Maintained and Updated Web Server
Caltrans Water Quality Planning Tool
OWP Contacts: Scott Meyer

OWP Tasks
- Calculated WQVs from over 200 Rain Gauges
- Calculated WQFs from over 700 Rain Gauges
- Developed the Basin Sizer Program
- Updated and Maintained the Program
- Distributed the Program from OWP's Website
Caltrans Basin Sizer
OWP Contacts: Scott Meyer
Caltrans Stormwater Treatment BMP Technology Report
The Caltrans Treatment BMP Technology Report satisfies a regulatory requirement for a new technology report. This report consolidates information for post-construction technologies in a standardized manner by using a fact sheet format. The BMP fact sheets summarize available design, construction, and performance information. This document is used internally by Caltrans to identify and evaluate treatment BMP technologies for potential use in the highway environment.
OWP Tasks
California Treatment BMP Technology Report April 2010
OWP Contacts: Dipen Patel | Brian Currier
OWP Tasks
- Developed New Format Following Caltrans Direction
- Added New Fact Sheets
- Provided Technical Review
California Treatment BMP Technology Report April 2010
OWP Contacts: Dipen Patel | Brian Currier
Caltrans Hydrologic Utility Tool
The Caltrans Hydrologic Utility is used to standardize calculations of storm event and sampling parameters, and prepare hydrographs for stormwater-related studies conducted by the Caltrans Division of Environmental Analysis. This revised version of the Hydrologic Utility (3.0) added functionality and improved the calculation methods. The Utility was developed as an add-in for Excel. Whenever possible, calculations are done within the Excel worksheets so the methodologies can be easily reviewed and transparent. Output can be uploaded into the Caltrans Storm Water Information System (SWIS), and station information can be updated within the Utility with the most recent data available from SWIS.
OWP Tasks
OWP Tasks
- Developed Algorithm for Hydrologic Parameters Based on Time Series Data
- Designed and Developed a Microsoft Excel Add-In
- Created User Manual