Collection System Operation and Maintenance Training Videos
This video course is designed to train personnel to safely and effectively operate and maintain wastewater collection systems.
This video course is designed to train operators in the practical aspects of operating and maintaining wastewater collection systems, emphasizing safe practices and procedures. Information is presented on the importance and responsibilities of a collection system operator and the need for collection system O&M. Operators learn safety procedures for inspection and testing of sewers, inspection of manholes, and underground repair. Detailed instructions are included for using closed-circuit television, clearing stoppages, cleaning sewers, and controlling roots, grease, odors, and corrosion in collection systems. Operators learn to operate and maintain lift stations and a variety of types of motors, supervisory controls, pumps, valves, and other equipment. This course focuses on the knowledge and skills operators need to identify actual collection system problems and select appropriate methods to solve them. This video course was developed to complement the current two-volume set of operation and maintenance training manuals.
0.6 CEU (6 contact hours)
Copyright © 1999
DVD ISBN 978-1-59371-019-4 

Course Time Limit: 3 months
Video Titles
- Guardians of Health - importance of operators, inspection, and testing
- TV Stars - closed-circuit television inspection
- Pipe Detectives - pipeline cleaning and maintenance methods
- Way Makers - pipeline cleaning and chemical control
- Flow Movers - operation of wastewater lift stations
- Motor Specialists - maintenance of wastewater lift stations