Glossary of Water and Wastewater Terms
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The addition of chlorine to the plant discharge or effluent, following plant treatment, for disinfection purposes.
Drawing or removing water from a tank or reservoir or the water drawn or removed from a tank or reservoir.
two-stage filters
Two filters are used. Effluent from the first filter goes to the second filter, either directly or after passing through a clarifier (trickling filters in series).
gasification (gas-uh-fuh-KAY-shun)
The conversion of soluble and suspended organic materials into gas during aerobic or anaerobic decomposition. In clarifiers, the resulting gas bubbles can become attached to the settled sludge and cause large clumps of sludge to rise and float on the water surface. In anaerobic sludge digesters, this gas is collected for fuel or disposed of using a waste gas burner.
combined collection system
A collection system designed to carry both sanitary wastewaters and stormwater or surface water runoff.