Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Collection Systems, Volume 2
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Operation and Maintenance of Wastewater Collection Systems, Volume 2


Building on Volume 1, this course trains operators to properly install, inspect, operate, maintain, and manage wastewater collection systems.


This course is designed to train operators in the practical aspects of operating and maintaining wastewater collection systems emphasizing safe practices and procedures. Information is presented on capacity, management, operation, and maintenance (CMOM) programs; lift station operation and maintenance; equipment maintenance; and collection system rehabilitation. In addition, management duties including organizational planning and organizing; staffing; internal and external communication; financial stability; safety program; security and resilience; collection system evaluation; and CMOM program implementation and continuation are covered.

6.4 CEUs (64 contact hours)
8th Edition, 2021
ISBN 978-0-13-745554-6
Course Time Limit: 6 months
Table of Contents
Learning Objectives (Click chapter title to open)
  1. Intro to CMOM
  2. Lift Stations
  3. Equipment Maintenance
  4. Rehabilitation
  5. Management
Other Sections
  • Answer Key
  • Appendix A, Introduction to Basic Math for Operators
  • Glossary
  • Index

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