Safety, Beginning Treatment, and Lagoon Systems, Volume 1
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Safety, Beginning Treatment, and Lagoon Systems, Volume 1


This series of courses trains operators to safely and effectively operate and maintain wastewater treatment plants.


This course trains operators in the basics of wastewater treatment processes, how those processes protect public health and the environment, and general wastewater treatment plant safety. Operators will also learn how to safely and effectively operate preliminary and primary treatment processes and equipment as well as lagoon systems. This course uses the following chapters from Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants, Volume 1: Chapter 1, “Introduction to Wastewater Operation” ; Chapter 2, “Safety” ; Chapter 3, “Preliminary Treatment” ; Chapter 4, “Primary Treatment”; and Chapter 8, “Lagoon Systems (Secondary Treatment)”. The information in this course will provide you with an understanding of basic operation and maintenance concepts and with an ability to analyze and solve problems when they occur on the job. The procedures and concepts discussed in this course can be adapted to fit the needs of your plant. Section and Chapter Review questions provide opportunities to self-assess your understanding of the material before progressing to the next section or chapter.

4 CEUs (40 contact hours)
8th Edition, 2019
ISBN 978-0-13-587898-9
Course Time Limit: 6 months
Other Sections
  • Answer Key
  • Glossary
  • Index

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