Industrial General Permit

Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioner

Interested in becoming an Industrial General Permit Qualified Industrial Storm Water Practitioner (QISP)? Follow these steps to complete the process:

  1. Sign In or Create Account with OWP

    • Upon login, click ‘Stormwater Certificates’
    • Stomwater Certificates link

    • Click ‘IGP QISP’
    • IGP QISP

  2. Complete the online training

    Training consists of videos, quizzes, and reading assignments. You may take the self-assessment quizzes as often as you like. Quiz grades do not affect your completion of the training. However, you do need to understand the material presented in the online training to pass the exams. The training can take 16 hours or more to complete, depending on your level of expertise in the field.

  3. Pass a midterm exam

    You have two attempts to pass the 35-question midterm with a grade of 70% or higher. The exam must be completed in a single two-hour session.

  4. Complete the one-day, in-person training with an IGP ToR

    After passing the midterm exam, QISP candidates can access the IGP ToR training class calendar to register for the in-person training.

  5. Pass the final exam

    You have two attempts to pass the 70-question final exam with a grade of 70% or higher. The exam must be completed in a single four-hour session.

You have two years to complete the entire process. If you fail an exam twice, you will need to re-register at a cost of $70 and redo all of the training steps. If you do not complete the training within two years, you can extend your enrollment for a cost of $70.


See the QISP Fact Sheet for FAQs and other program information.
Check out the IGP QISP Public Training Calendar for available classes and locations.
Also, check out the QISP Roles and Responsibilities video


Industrial General Permit (amended 2015, 2018; effective 2020)
Frequently Asked Questions on the IGP in SMARTS
SMARTS Quick Start Guide
Discharger's Guide to the SMARTS Database
Ad Hoc Monitoring Guide
Change of Information Guide
Notice of Termination Guide
Enforcement for Non-Compliance with the IGP

IGP Review

Issue 1 (2018 update)

Public Lookup Tool


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Report a QISP problem to the SWRCB.